Saturday, September 22, 2007

Greenpeace: Breathe

Save the Dugong of Japan

The U.S. is planning to build a new airbase in Japan that juts into the sea. The airbase will be a direct threat to the continued existence of the local dugong. Because of local political changes the Japanese government is sensitive to feedback from environmentalists. The time is critical, write the Japanese government and express your concern for the welfare of these gentle marine giants. Take time to take sides, say yes to life, on this planet.

For more information on the dugongs of Japan, the planned airbase and what you can do go to Greenpeace. they will provide you with a form letter to individualize, contact information and a video fo the dugongs.



Monday, September 3, 2007

The Cost of Doing Nothing

Honoring the Creator Requires Honoring Creation

This is a modest beginning. As time permits I will fill this space with thoughts and rantings about what we are doing to the planet our children will inherit. The goal will be to avoid being pompous and self-righteous without becoming bland. The goal will be to share what I find on my journey and hopefully you will share what you discover on your journey.

The stakes are simply too high to depend on Al Gore and Hollywood to carry the load. This is the Creator's gift to us, we need to step up to the plate while there is still time to make a difference.

Peace and all good,
Carl Jylland-Halverson