Friday, October 19, 2007

Lucky Dube: In Memory Of..."Let Jah Be Praised"

Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore

I cannot stop smiling. The fact that Al Gore won the Noble Peace Prize for his work on global warming is a major feat. Long after the Bush administration is history Gore will be remembered as one of the early leaders of an important movement to save the planetary environment. The question is, will it make a difference?

I am especially pleased that he shares the award with all of the researchers from around that world that worked with the United Nations. The award is not just about Gore. However, its reference to his many decades of fighting for the environment also makes it clear the award is not simply a response to one movie, no matter how important that movie may be.

Al Gore may not run for President and that may be considered a loss by some. However, I think that Hillary, Obama and the world would benefit from Gore using his added prestige to continue to fight to save the planet. That is not a shabby crusade to fight. And, I am still smiling!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Watching Walrus

Walrus Trouble is...Troubling

Scientists are reporting thousands of walruses congregating on the northwest coast of Alaska. The scientists believe this is the consequence of global warming. As the ice sheet of the Artic Ocean melts the walruses are responding by using the coast as a breeding ground. They are following the new food routes. What impact this will have on the animals and vegetation of the coast is unknown. What is also unknown is what the impact will be of closer human-marine mammal contact.

The sea ice is melting far faster than Interior Department experts had predicted. Reversing the loss of sea ice requires nothing short of a planetary effort.