Thursday, December 13, 2007

Arctic Ice: going, going, go...

One of the challenges of global-warming is simply staying current with the predictions. The earlier predictions of Arctic Ice cap melting had the summer ice melted by 2040. Dr. Maslowski of the Naval Postgraduate School has changed that prediction. He is now predicting that the arctic ice will melt away during summers by the year 1213.

The less ice the less reflection of sun light. The result, the lack of ice from global warming will potentially increase global warming. Additionally, the ice will introduce large amounts of fresh water into the oceans and potentially change ocean circulation and hence impact regional weather.

2040 sounded bad enough, this is far more serious. The temptation will be to use the new found access to search for oil that has been a major contributing factor to the problem in the first place.

1 comment:

RosaMaría said...

Es un grave problema el cambio climático y sus consecuencias. Encantada de conocerte.