Friday, December 7, 2007

The Cost

Scientist have warned that global warming may lead to the extinction of 30% of all land-bird species by 2100. With habitat shrinkage escalating due to global warming, a new study warns that climate change will accelerate the rate of extinction among birds and animals.

The predictions are based on projected habitat loss and projections of surface warming. Much of the data is based on the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. This is an evaluation of the world’s ecosystems by over 1300 experts. The findings were published online Conservation Biology Journal.

This is consistent with data emphasizing that global warming is having a devastating effect on animals and plants. Squid are attacking commercial fishing off the coast of California. These creatures normally swim in the warmer waters off Mexico but now swim in the warming waters of California.

2000 flying foxes fell out of trees in dead in Australia, victims of the changing temperatures and ecosystems. The planet is hurting, the planet is in trouble.

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