Monday, December 10, 2007

The U.S., China and Bali: Talks are heating Up

China is resistant to any mandatory caps on CO2 emissions. It states the problem of global warming is the result of Western greed. They are of course correct. Historically that is how we got in this predicament. However, we are here and the planet needs us to act. Blaming is not enough. Besides, you cannot be a regional or global power and not take a leading role in the fight to save the planet. Or can you?

The United States refuses to agree to the limitations of the Kyoto Accords. As 190 nations meet in Bali to direct the world’s newest efforts to at least slow down global warming the U.S. continues to reject mandatory caps. To be sure the caps on CO2 emissions are significant, 20-40% reductions by 2020. However even that ambition plan would not turn back the rising temperatures. The U.S., China, Indian and perhaps Japan are resistant to mandatory caps.

Al Gore will receive his Noble Peace Prize in Oslo today. He will call for China and the United States to work together to solve this problem. Let's pray they are listening.

The problem is not an American or Indian or Chinese problem, it is a planetary problem. We must begin to recognize we are not just the citizens of our nations but we are also the inhabitants of our planet. It is time for individual citizens to take the lead if our leaders are incapable, unwilling or too compromised to lead. Vote for Green candidates, of any party. Boycott products from nations that will not support mandatory caps. That will not be easy, look around your house, and try to find something that does not have a part of it built in China. Now say, “so what” and give it up. It is time to live simply so others (0n the planet) can simply live.

1 comment:

RosaMaría said...

El planeta tierra está enfermo por culpa de sus habitantes. Felicitaciones por tus post.